Now that you have learned from Minecraft, maybe you think it's time for the rest of your friends at school to learn too. Or, maybe you have gone to a new class and your teacher doesn't think that kids can learn from Minecraft. What can you do?
The best thing you can do is have your teacher learn a bit about Minecraft. As a quick introduction for your teacher, have him or her watch the following clip on Joel Levin, a teacher in New York City who uses Minecraft in his classroom. It will provide your teacher with some basic information on the Minecraft game, MinecraftEdu, and most importantly, how kids (like you) can learn from Minecraft.
Source: Millstone, J. (2012). Teaching with Digital Games in the Classroom. Retrieved September 20, 2013 from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center:
Then, have your teacher check out the links below. These are some helpful links to other educational Minecraft websites and articles about using Minecraft in the classroom. This would be a great way to get them interested in teaching with Minecraft!
ArsTechnica ArticleHere's a link to an article written by A. Webster called "Educational building blocks: How Minecraft is used in classrooms"
ArsTechnica |
Ideas for Classroom UseThis link is to a short article on game-based learning in schools. Specifically, it covers four ideas for using Minecraft in the classroom.
Edutopia |
In the Classroom and LibraryThis article provides tips for using Minecraft in the classroom and in the school library.
The Digital Shift |
The Minecraft TeacherThis link visits the personal website of Joel Levin. He is a computer teacher in New York and updates his Minecraft blog regularly with updates from his own classroom as well ideas for using the game in your own!
The Minecraft Teacher |
Minecraft World ShareMinecraft World Share is an open repository for Minecraft maps. Users can upload and share their creations (for free) for others to download and try for themselves.
Minecraft World Share |
Minecraft as a Teaching ToolHere's a great article from Forbes on how Minecraft is changing the way teachers teach and students learn.
Forbes |
Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated in any way with the makers of Minecraft or MinecrafEdu and does not benefit directly or indirectly with any sales of the software.